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If you want to grow, word of mouth is no longer enough. Everything has changed. You must find another path.

Digital marketing enables you to engage your customer audience in a meaningful and measurable way. By creating and distributing content every month, we ensure that search engines increasingly notice your brand. Your monthly content is posted on emails, a landing page, inside New Momentum magazine and on your own company home page.

$395 mo.
$695 / mo.
$995 /mo.
Grab attention. Get prospects into your sales funnel.
Video has been proven to be the most engaging media available. Movement, music and graphics can be arresting.
But many smaller firms know that video is prohibitively expensive. Developing the concept, shooting in the field, finding the right talent and voice and editing the overall look can take weeks.
Some try using smart phones to create videos but most suffer from an amateurish persona.
The most effective and efficient video is a blend of the best artificial intelligence technology and decades of creative development. SmakDab videos from NEWbraska are short, musical, exciting, educational and affordable.
They break the ice and start the sales conversation.
Create desire by clarifying the problem. Move prospects further down the sales funnel.
Many people love videos. But not everyone. Some impatient personalities like to scan and skim a text article and quickly find what's most pertinent without having to wait for the video to 'get there.'
Some people just want the basic idea. They like analogies, symbols and metaphors. Others focus on the details. comparing and critiquing. Few marketers know how to communicate with both types of prospects.
NEWbraska Partners use both video and branded articles (also called 'sponsored articles') that clarify and discuss your company, industry or your detail.
Few outside services can create both of these with speed and professional flair.
Create likeability and share an insider perspective to stimulate intent to purchase.
When your sales prospects have noticed you and been impressed by your knowledge of their problem, they are ready to know you, personally. If they hear you interviewed repeatedly and those interviews have been promoted, they will consider you a credible expert who can be trusted. They've made it to the bottom of the sales funnel. It's time to ask for the order.
Only $39.95 per month for affiliate memberships.
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