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If you want to grow, word of mouth is no longer enough. Everything has changed. You must find another path.

frequently asked questions
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Q1. What is NEWbraska™?
A1. NEWbraska is a one-of-a-kind economic network or ecosystem that blends a Linkedin-type of regional site with a Fast Company-style media site. NEWbraska emphasizes 'newness' and innovation in order to help each member (and the state of Nebraska as a whole) grow sales and attract talented, UrbaNatural™ workers. Over time, we'll establish frameworks of 'co-evolution; that bring together the competencies of many firms to help communities grow.
Q2: What is unique about NEWbraska™?
A3: 1) No other media site creates content-as-a-catalyst for business discussions.
2) No other network site 'choreographs' regular conversations among members for rapid learning and 'collaborative leverage.'
3) This is an economic development site that uses private sector talent in order to accelerate talent attraction and marketing, not site selection. Very unusual.
4) No other state in the US can emphasize "newness" like Nebraska because of the first (promotionally-branded) syllable. This implies innovation in a singular fashion and will, over time, attract a young, professional worker back to the state - if the state lives up to the emphasis on innovation.
5) No other site in Nebraska emphasizes branded content - long form articles, press releases, podcasts or essays that help the customer make an informed decision.
6) No other marketing/research/innovation service understands the 'UrbaNatural' worker that is critical to Nebraska's future. 50 million UrbaNatural people are the target; they are looking for an employee culture that fits their value system and serves the greater good.
7) Particularly active or helpful members will be featured or interviewed on a business TV show, Wowbiz Nebraska. No other service can offer this kind of publicity exposure.
Q3: What is the big picture benefit scheme for members?
A3: Three core benefits: 1) accelerated reorganization of Nebraska's economic landscape, promoting new combinations and self-organizing systems; 2) thinking beyond company and industry boundaries to find unmet needs, unused ideas and compelling ways to put it all together; 3) putting together ideas, players and customers to create whole systems that deliver new benefits to members.
Q4: Why would companies want to become members of NEWbraska?
A4: Because they want to grow beyond what they have become, both at a professional and personal level. Because they can expand their marketplace and tap into the collective wisdom of other members. Because we're at a pivotal time in history and new ideas and relationships are strategically valuable. Because their brand can be polished by public relations pros who portray value in fresh ways. Because it will stir up inner passions and drive real change across the state.
Q5: What's the most important aspect of developing this business network?
A5: Alignment of the NEWbraska community around a shared vision of a desired future and the road map and key contributions required, market by market.
Q6: Specifically, what's the key factor for success for NEWbraska?
A6: Learning is key. We will offer monthly Zoom meetings covering change, leadership, marketing, culture, etc. at not charge. More intensive, hands-on, half day training and coaching programs are available for small groups across the state for an extra charge. Mindset is also key. The site uses Eric Ries' book, The Lean Startup, to promote 'start-up' thinking to existing, successful companies who need a catalyst or framework for innovating productively and efficiently.
Q7: How does NEWbraska help attract customers to my business?
A7: The NEWbraska team will create monthly, long form content about your company or the industry you serve and post those 'sponsored' articles on the NEWbraska site. Viewers of those branded articles will learn to respect your firm and its products and proceed to your site to make an informed purchase decision. Website visitation and prospect conversion are the focus of content marketing.
Q8: How are relationships between members developed?
A8: Every member is asked to speak to someone within the network once a week about the challenges or opportunities they are dealing with. The media articles on the site can provide a 'frame' for these calls. In addition, the forum page provides a way to get quick answers to sticky problems from other members. In addition, Zoom meetings help start constructive conversations. Each member can follow up with Zoom participants through the members-only Gallery to deepen and extend the dialogue that began on Zoom. Finally, there will be at least two conference-events to showcase and acknowledge progress/innovation.

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