If you want to grow, word of mouth is no longer enough. Everything has changed. You must find another path.

NEWbraska: NEW is NOW. NEW is YOU. Learn why, below.

Align your intention with the intention of others. Through shared strengths and talents, you have every right to expect greatness and set the highest goals and aspirations.

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Creating new value in this economy requires collaboration, joint ventures and open dialogue with people who think differently than you.
The first step is to engage with NEWbraska members and learn their thinking and behavior style.

Analytic: Focused on data, facts, numbers, being logical, making order, and seeking excellence.
Procedural: Reliable, thinking back, get to action, equalizing, focusing, taking charge, precision. Operations, logistics and tactics.
Innovative, learning, thinking ahead, strategy, standing out, adapting, focused on the future, big picture, new possibilities.
Relational, optimistic, believing, stortelling, feeling for others, mentoring, including, enrolling, peacemaking, loyalty.

Serious about growth through collaboration and partnerships? Download this FREE document, chock full of useful case studies.
Accomplish greater things more efficiently in a community.
Begin by understanding a member's way of thinking:

Focused, sorting or open thinking
Turn your membership in NEWbraska into a tangible asset. This eco-network of partners consists of 'shapers,' people who are comfortable thinking about what a new Nebraska could be. Shapers work with ideas and alternative concepts to create a new ideal. This is an elite group that focuses on generating demand and growing capacity at the same time as we all enter the
post-pandemic period.
NEWbraska: Something new has arrived. '
New is now. New is you.
The moment is right.
it's authentic and true.
How can I help?
Are you striving to grow?
Assistance is near.
New profits will flow.

These 'UrbaNatural' workers want a 'new' Nebraska where companies penetrate new markets through alliances and partnerships. They see potential in new ecosystem relationships.

Instead of pounding on a nail with your fist, use a 'hammer' and succeed quickly.
The NEWbraska™ business community is your ‘hammer’- your risk-avoiding force multiplier!

"We collaborated with a competitor, Amazon, to generate even more revenue. This unusual relationship was a force multiplier because it made our delivery routes more concentrated and efficient." Dr. Udo Lange, CEO of FedEx Logistics
NEWbraska Partnerships Can Be a Force Multiplier
Go from 'command-and-control' to collaborate-and-connect!


"You may be a genius, but...
Penetrate new markets or geographies;
Stimulate innovation;
Combine technical components from different partners to offer a newly-competitive total solution;
Lower cost of customer-acquisition;
Get solutions to irresolvable problems;

"...you can't make it on your own."