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We publish and distribute a list of Nebraska's innovation projects that are in-the-works as well as innovative companies that are leveraging the power of "new." These "innovation lists" are distributed to workers, customers and employers. Reach out with details about your project. 402-208-5519

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No More Arguments About New Products, See Video, Below

WOWBIZ Nebraska is a wide-ranging business TV show that covers the trends and strategies that are reshaping Nebraska's business sector. Hosts Lynn Hinderaker and Bruce Arant look at business development concepts, leadership trends, employee culture and most importantly, innovation tips. In this video, Lynn and Bruce interview David Craig from Lease Genie. David explains why his firm has experienced it's 'best year ever.' Wow!

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new insights

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We've Been Warned: The strategic and economic risk of settling for “steady as she goes” is too high for complacency. Four solutions:


Focusing on the constant demands of the present moment while planning the future keeps us from fully understanding what we’ve done in the past and why. An inability to reflect wastes our experience and all the hard work that went into that experience!


When we reflect on what has brought us to this point, we ask ourselves four questions:

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Aspire! Moving Beyond Functionality and Performance to Experiences or Dreams


This is not an inspirational time. People feel that the country and the family are falling apart. People are buying assault weapons to protect themselves. We are experiencing psychological siege.


America has been split into two different worlds. It’s destroying our hope. But it creates opportunity for businesses who want to bounce-back from Covid. The key is 'emotional branding."

Innovation Requires Innovative Compensation Packages


Paradox: The companies most committed to innovating their way to success have compensation systems that reinforce the status quo! There are many ways to compensate those important workers that could take you to the top. Some don't even involve cash, such as stock options.


The key is personalization of rewards. Certain innovators want high profile recognition and titles. Other innovators want more family time or exotic getaways for generating big ideas. It's not always about cash, although deferred compensation can be attractive for tax purposes.


Smile! Dire Circumstances Will Soon Lead to a New Golden Era


Climate crisis. Civil rights crisis. Corona-19 crisis. They're all connected and they're good in a way. Former Vice President Al Gore explains that virus solutions are coming and that citizens are demanding a healthier, more compassionate society that honors Mother Nature. That's not all.


Gore explains that we must pay attention to climate scientists and remember that young people w

Listen while you work: audio insights

Abstract Futuristic Background

What Is Your Strategic Plan for 2024? Where to Begin?

The Present Future

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